Did You Know That Some Websites Don't Even Show Up On Mobile Devices?
Have You Checked To See What Your Site Looks Like?
Can You Even Read It?
Is It A Blank Page?

Let’s get to the bottom line – If your website is NOT mobile-optimized (easy to read on a mobile device), you’re losing business to the competition. Consider this:

         ⇒  Over 50% of all local searches are performed on mobile devices! That means that more than half of the people looking for your type of business in your city are using a mobile device to search – if your site doesn’t perform on a mobile device, they can’t find you…but they can find the competition! 

         ⇒ 61% of users in a recent Google study said they are unlikely to return to a website they had trouble accessing from their phone.

Mobile websites are different from traditional websites. They need to be optimized to fit a mobile device. They need to take into consideration the preferences of mobile users – people who want relevant content…and they want it fast! They’re looking for something actionable – get directions, find out when you’re open, check for current coupons or even call you. 

We can help you with your mobile site so you can give searchers what they want and turn them into loyal customers. Call us TODAY on 518-664-1607 or fill out the contact form!